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Not good enough, by Clifford Thurlow
185a, Clifford Thurlow

Not good enough, by Clifford Thurlow

leer en español        Writers are haunted by the feeling that they’re not quite good enough. As soon as you compose a single sentence, doubt sets in. Does it need that adjective (probably not). Should it be two sentences, not one; more rhythmic, more alliterative? Less alliterative?Cyril Connolly, George Orwell’s biographer, wrote in his non-fiction ‘The Unquiet Grave’ a cautionary tale for writers unblessed with ‘the gift’ that they often fail to reach what potential they do have through a lack of commitment or motivation, from the hypnotic lure of distraction.Connolly on reading Orwell’s books set in Burma, Paris and Catalonia must have concluded that as a writer in troubled times – the rise of fascism in the 1930s – he was not quite good enough to add his voice to the struggle. It is f...