It is another of my frustrated vocations.
I always wanted to be a detective.
Perhaps it was the influence of the books that I devoured on the school bus from a very young age, the novels by Enid Blyton, English writer, “The Secret Seven” and “Famous Five”, a club of children who solved mysteries and had all kinds of adventures.
Then I continued with Agatha Christie, and as an adult, with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the most famous detective in history, Sherlock Holmes.
Nowadays, I love police series, especially the British ones.
In Venezuela it is not that easy to study to be a detective, so life led me to civil engineering, my biggest mystery, and if I had to design a hut today, it would fall down in a second.
But this long explanation is to tell you that my frustrated vocation has returned, with impetus.
More than a job, a hobby, a distraction, in the broadest sense of the word.
Every day of my life I confront enigmatic situations on which I need to open an investigation.
I have to focus all my attention, analyze the evidence, connect the dots.
I dreamed, in my youth, of solving a major robbery, discovering a serial killer, but no, my daily mysteries are smaller in scale, but no less complicated.
Where did I leave my glasses?
What did I come to do in the kitchen?
What’s the name of that guy who greeted me so warmly?
I have the consolation, as I heard once a doctor saying, that if we remember, that we don’t remember, then there is no problem.
Anyway… what were we talking about?
“Elementary, my dear Watson.”
Sherlock Holmes

Leonor Henríquez (Caracas, Venezuela) Civil Engineer by training (UCAB 1985), writer and apprentice poet by vocation. From her time in engineering emerged her Office Stories (1997), another way of seeing the corporate world. Her latest publications include reflections on grief, Hopecrumbs (2020) (www.hopecrumbs.com) and “The Adventures of Chispita” (2021) (www.chispita.ca) an allegory of life inside Mom’s belly.
Today she shares her “impulsive meditations” from Calgary, Canada, where she lives.