News That Matters

Año IV, Edición 182

 15 de diciembre de 2024

The last sting, by Clifford Thurlow

The last sting, by Clifford Thurlow

leer en español A couple argues. He or she looks back as he or she leaves the room and says something with a dash of venom. That is the last sting of the dead jellyfish. Two men fight. One knocks the other to the ground and puts the boot in. That is the last sting of the dead jellyfish. Edward James, the surrealist collector who commissioned Salvador Dalí to make the lobster telephone, had four nieces and a nephew, Angus James. When Edward decided to build a castle and his own Garden of Eden in the Las Pozas tropical rainforest in Mexico, Angus left Eton to become his uncle’s amanuensis. The childless Edward told Angus he was his sole heir and would leave him everything. In a surrealist gesture, Edward wrote a will to be read by his lawyer after his death. In it he left cash sums to his four nieces in order of their prettiness: £20,000, £10,000, £5,000 and £2,000. Angus did not receive a penny and the multimillion pound fortune went into a trust to maintain Edward’s country es...
Mármol griego, por Ángel Hurtado

Mármol griego, por Ángel Hurtado

Si hay algo que no me canso de admirar son las técnicas de talla extremadamente precisas y refin...
Orfeu olha para trás, por Alfredo Behrens

Orfeu olha para trás,
por Alfredo Behrens

leer en españolORFEU: Hades, deixe-me entrar.HADES: Só se você mo...
Leche inmaterna, por Carmen Concha-Nolte

Leche inmaterna,
por Carmen Concha-Nolte

Como sabemos, antiguamente las madres tenían que amamantar al crí...
Sociedad del mutuo elogio, por Victorino Muñoz

Sociedad del mutuo elogio,
por Victorino Muñoz

Hace muchos años, hablando en broma y en serio con una querida am...
Plumas de Santa Teresa, por Lucy Gómez

Plumas de Santa Teresa,
por Lucy Gómez

Las Plumas de Santa Teresa son unos cactus que florecen a mediado...
Teletransporte, por Luli Delgado

por Luli Delgado

Que levante la mano quien no recuerde la serie Viaje a las estrellas, aquella co...
Querida Matilda, por José Manuel Peláez 

Querida Matilda,
por José Manuel Peláez 

Matilda es un claro objeto de admiración y raro amor que compartimos Manolo ...
Zona sísmica, por Leonor Henríquez

Zona sísmica,
por Leonor Henríquez

read it in EnglishMe sucede de vez en cuando, como hoy.Siento un temblor. Miro a...
El mundo de Clara Atril press 1
El mundo de Clara,
por Clara Ruiz
Francisco Zurbaran Atril press
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